Thursday, September 15, 2011

From Hell 2 Heaven

From having a team to being with one
From living out that guys fantasy to making my fantasies come true with one
From not wanting love from any male to receiving true unconditional love 
From having brick walls all around to protect from pain to being able to break all barriers and being completely open
From holding on to the pain to letting go of all pain to start the healing process
From being stuck in the past to anticipating a brighter future
I came from so much, and still coming from a lot of fuckedupness, but I still strive to make a better tomorrow. No one is perfect. Still, i push to pretty damn close! Don't let the naysayers kill your ambition. Whatever you want out of this life, claim it and make it yours! This is just another writing from a genius writer. By the name of Reena B. Remember the name, you'll see it in public's eye real soon! 
Thank you so much for reading! :)

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