Saturday, November 19, 2011

Strong Women Never Stop

Did y'all miss me??? Lol. I missed you guys! A lot has been going on, but I always go back to my first love, WRITING! This piece is just a free writing on the past two months. Just something short and sweet for you guys. So just relax and read the words. Let me know what you think! Love you all. Supports and haters! *mwah*<br />

-Shareena M AKA Reena B. They want to talk business but no plan. They want my attention but arent doing much to keep it. I'm moving fast, but believe me, I got it. I keep all faith in the most high, Allah. He got my back when nobody else does. I'm living like there isnt anything to lose but lots to gain Positivity is what makes everything seem ok. Realistic views show me when I'm losing my way. So I stay analyzing myself and not losing sight of my dreams and goals. No one knows my whole story and every detail, just segments. But who really needs to know? Middle finger to my old life. Special shout out to all my support. I'm a survivor, hustler, complex thinker, a strong ass woman! And most cant handle me. That's ok. Only the strongest and realest can comprehend and handle a person like me. I dont hate any male in my past. They were all lovely men and boys. But just werent real enough ot just wasnt strong minded enough to be the man for me. So I let them go and keep doing for me and my pride and joy.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sideline Ho' 2 WifeyType

This is writing I did, back in June/July. Just how I went from being ok being the "other girl" to wanting more and knowing I deserve. And also my thoughts on the guys I indulge in these acts with.. For the longest it was same script, different cast. But now days. The cast and scripts have been remodeled and mad a lot. So enjoy my thoughts and emotions. Just might now your mind! ;-)

I'll never understand how he easily professes his love to one woman but lays in bed with another. Never understood how one day he's all in love, but the next all females are whores and sluts. I wonder how us, as people, do things that are so out of,character just for a moment of... Attention, I guess. If the love is so real, he wouldn't be in my bed, leaving behind little trinkets. Reminds oh so much of the man that makes up half of my DNA.. He loves to lay with multiple woman. Its his nature. But the way its done is wrong. Messed up a family. Fucked over all his daughters and isn't showing his son what a real man is. But selfishness was his best friend. Just like the man who has laid in my bed multiple nights. And always gets, under my skin when he begins to profess his love.. That love is bullshit! Funny thing is I dont object openly. Not my style. I hate the spotlight. I do much better in backstage. Which means, I see everything and can just watch. But still, I'm part of the show. And if it wasn't his show I was a part of it would still be the same script. Just different cast. So no, I don't fault him nor condemn him. If he knew better he would do better, right? He knows he doesn't want to share and will not put up with such treatmemt. But don't mind treating her as such. Guess she should be happy she is the main character in this play. Still she is shortchanged. And don't know what's going on. Does she have any clue? Us, as women are very intelligent, in all ways but emotionally. Which, makes me think she has no idea. Because I don't need emotion to get him erect nor to have a screaming orgasm. So it may all still be in the dark. Then I began to think, what will happen when she,finds out? I'll be auditioning for an entirely different play, by then. New script, new cast, new plot and storyline. After this production, I'll be done playing an extra and always in the,background. I think I've obtain enough expeiance to play a lifetime main chatacter. I've been apart of the crew, then a extra, then a small part, then an understudy. Now it's time for my debut as the main character and let a newbie understudy me. I won't mind. At least I'm aware of her presence and no secret is kept.

Hate Surfaced

This an older poem of mine. It was on my old blog... But it's something interesting to read. Hope you like....

A painful process we have truly become. But I can honestly say That this isn't fun All the love is gone. And now hate is surfacing Don't worry, I'll never tell all the pain you bring But hey! I brought a fair share too That had you up nights like days all sad &blue The problem is and was It remains the same Can't be as one if we're in two different lanes So I won't twist and pull your arm, no more For, it wasn't a healthy successful destiny you were looking for What you wanted was superficial While I was deeper than our issues Issues that we, together faced daily Still, I was proud to say you were my baby But hate surfaced Once the lies exited your lips and finger tips You ripped my heart out and shredded it Once the truth finally surfaced... Opened myself up wider than the ocean, blue Vulnerable like a newborn without protection to block illnesses Trusting that all will go well and if any pain felt Wouldn't bring bloodshed and dried up tear stains But wishful thinking had my mind too insane That reality and I lost touch Like long distanced cousins But once thee big bang even arrived Reality & I Were back, tight! And I was crying about the lies, turning into the truth And the masked face unveiled Thought was a masterpiece was actually a knock off piece And hate starts to surface... Still love puts up a darn good fight But one gives up by the end of the night Hate overcomes and is the moodset between the two used to be best lovers How dare could this happen? All because lies were stacking on an unsteady foundation Waiting to bend All it needed was God to send the winds It broke and truth revealed How ugly and messed up it truly is Hate surfaced and won again Cause it wasn't true love we were even in Caught up in a fantasy trying to become true Couldn't work that way because it wasn't ever just Me & you And that's what pained the heart That it was over before it could even start All it took was.... Hate to surface

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sexual vs. Intellectual: who's who?

So I go through periods of time in my life when I have an over appetite for sex. This period of time may last a few weeks to a month or two. But. I'll just be looking for sex that touches the back of my soul. Then, there are the majority of times when I juss want intellectual stimulation. Me, being a writer, I love when a guy can touch me deep, intellectually. That's deeper than a intimate turn on. It's so much more. See, this sis when my split personalities truly show. So the next two pieces are writing from yearning for both: sexual gratification and intellectual stimulation. Hope you enjoy what I've decided to share. Take a step into my sex room, with my words! ;-)

A little introduction to this piece. This piece has been a little dramtized to be more.. Well, entertaining. But for the most part, the thoughts are mine. And have some truth. Don't try to paint a picture of me from one writing of mine. Many make that terrible mistake. Enjoy, anyway! :-)

One day, these boys will understand that I use,them as disposable cups..i don't keep em, I replace em and never do I chase em! Cause best believe, it's another right behind you who wants to show me a even better good time. So whatever! If people knew my,sex life, I would be called a whore and slu off tops. Whatever, people don't know enough to use those words on me. I only have one child, only been burnt by my damn baby daddy and stay tighter than these females on those "monogamous" relationship. So, call me what you want! While your boyfriend trying to get a taste! But I don't even use sex in,that fashion. Don't want to take anybody's boyfriend, fiance, husband, nor baby daddy. Just need to cum fast and hard, and he does that the best. So, I heard... Soooo he'll strap up and I'll try him. 9 times out of 10, he ain't even alll that. But I won't say anything. I'll just, quietly make a mental note who not to call nor text when I'm starving sexually. And I'm on my merrily way. No big problem. Like I said, just another disposable cup, disposed!

NOW! A look to me when I'm yearning for deep intellectual simulation and sex is just too shallow. I year for intellectual stimulaltion way more than sexual. Maybe because it's so rare. Sex is easy to come by. Not so much when it comes to deep intellect. Welp enjoy!

I feel.. I don't know. And that' exactly why I'm writing. I'm feeling deficent in inyellectual stimulation and over intake of sexual contact. Can we trade these out, real quick? Tired of this superficial bullshit. I don't want it anymore. I'm okay with being celibate all fall. I want late night deep conversations and long walks in the park. While we talk about future goals and why we feel life on Mars is better. But all these males got to offer is sex and small talk. I've had enough! Can I please have more?! I know what I deserv. But me, being immuned to bullshit. I fall so easily. So now, I'm going to be the stuck up type. Act as if I just don't j have the time. Cause in a way, I don't! Not looking for love at all. Still.don't believe in that unknown word. I just want some great intellectual stimulation, with no hidden agenda. Just want to cine across a male that shows genuine interest in my mind and heart , and my body much later time. To be able to come across a male like that, would be a blessing.. Let's bow our heads and say a prayer for a batch of males that can hold an educated in depth conversation. I'm starting to they're extinct. Hoping they're not. Cause I need one of them, quick, fast and in a hurry!

Soooo what did you think? Can you see my two distinct personalities. But the two of us are stuck in one body. It gets hectic, at times.. But hopefully you enjoyed reading. Leave any reactions and comments below. I love feedback!

Again, thanx for reading! Hoped yu enjoyed another segment of Sex With A Writer. Hopefully your appetite was fuly satisfied. Come back, when you want more! :-)
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Thursday, September 15, 2011

From Hell 2 Heaven

From having a team to being with one
From living out that guys fantasy to making my fantasies come true with one
From not wanting love from any male to receiving true unconditional love 
From having brick walls all around to protect from pain to being able to break all barriers and being completely open
From holding on to the pain to letting go of all pain to start the healing process
From being stuck in the past to anticipating a brighter future
I came from so much, and still coming from a lot of fuckedupness, but I still strive to make a better tomorrow. No one is perfect. Still, i push to pretty damn close! Don't let the naysayers kill your ambition. Whatever you want out of this life, claim it and make it yours! This is just another writing from a genius writer. By the name of Reena B. Remember the name, you'll see it in public's eye real soon! 
Thank you so much for reading! :)